On 9/12/2010 we added an additional security feature for online transactions. Accounts are now required to create a Shop Password (unique from login password) to be used for all online purchases. This shop password was implemented to minimize the loss of RPs or virtual properties in the event that another user has access to your account login information.
For accounts that have not used the Item Mall or Exchange Market since this date you will be required to register a shop password upon your next purchase attempt. Upon your next purchase attempt you will first be asked to verify the secret question and answer on the account, then you will be prompted to select a unique shop password.
For any users that have forgotten your secret question and answer and require this to set your shop password please contact our support staff at (support@playwithi.com) or by submitting a ticket via the support system with the following inforamtion. Please make sure to use the registered e-mail on the account if possible and submit the following information:
Account Name:
Real Name (registered to account):
Birth date:
Address (registered on account):
IP Address (www.whatismyip.com):
Issue: Secret Question Reset
Due to the sensitive nature of the information requested in these cases we will require full account ownership verification in order to be able to release the SQA information.