Q: If I get caught using a third party program like bots. What will be the penalty? A: 15 days imprisonment or account closure. It will depend on the severity of the violation committed. Be advised that the penalty system may change over time with or without the players consent. However this does not follow that those account that where permanently banned before can be released.
Q: I'm getting Pked all the time! I have a scroll and now it's wasted! GM what must I do?! A: At this time random player killing does not violate any of our policies as this is part of our in-game mechanics. There are options available for a player such as recruiting higher level members and using the "Vengeance" option to get back at the player that killed you.
Q: Is real money trade allowed? A: No. According to the Terms of Service, players are not allowed to trade their accounts or in-game items for real money. Once found guilty of real money trade, their accounts will be subjected to the corresponding penalty of account closure.
Q: Is account sharing highly discouraged by PLAYWITH? A: Yes. Most compromised accounts are typically due to account sharing. We cannot guarantee that all the people you shared your account with are trustworthy. Please be reminded that accounts that were “hacked” because of account sharing may not be eligible for restoration. That’s because the account is the responsibility of the account holder. Please refer to the Terms of Service:
Q: Are special characters allowed for in a character’s name? A: No. If found that your character have a special character in your name, it will be changed to rock****. This will prevent other people from having a hard time typing your name.
Q: Is it safe to buy from gold sellers being advertised in the game? A: No. These are illegal crones from illegal sites. These gold sellers will take your account ID and password to take away your crones or worse, your whole account. GMs in game are doing their best to remove the crone spammers although there are times when they slip through our defenses. The best you can do is to ignore them because if your items/account was hacked due to buying from gold sellers, you’re not eligible for restoration.